VooDooSh on Yatoro at BetBoom Streamers Battle 8: “He's having a hard time, he [bleep] shouldn't be hardcalling non-stop”

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Streamer Alexander VooDooSh Shalchinov spoke about the game of Ilya Raddan Mulyarchuk from Team Korb3n at BetBoom Streamers Battle 8 on Dota 2.

"Yatoro, I think we should give him a spice. You know what his problem is? He's having a hard time [insanely], he has to.... I mean, a curry should be a curry. He shouldn't be hardcalling non-stop, you know? He [bleep] has to farm, [show skill], find kills.

He shouldn't be watching the whole map and call you to put some asshole on it because it's hard. That should be done by another person: a three, a five, maybe a midranger. Kerry needs to focus".

Team Korb3n lost to Team Cake 1-2 in the tournament finals. BetBoom Streamers Battle 8 took place November 16-23 online.